Such a great interview! I particularly liked the section about drafting and keeping track of plot lines. I felt some solidarity for my own novel-writing process, which mostly includes setting the characters free on the page and cleaning up after the messes they make ;)

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Have been dying to read Finlay Donovan! Also, can I just say I loved reading Substack Grow's interview with you?! Especially, the bit about the bingo card haha!

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I had no idea the Writers' Police Academy was a thing! That was fascinating to read about! And this means I now need to go dig this book out of a TBR stack somewhere in my house...

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Thanks for this! Going to check out Finlay Donovan now!

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I read Finlay Donovan is Killing It in one day, on your recommendation, and I wasn't disappointed. I was just alone in my living room, cracking up. (I didn't know there was a sequel coming out, so thanks for that! Is it a series, do you know?)

Have you read Suburban Dicks by Fabian Nicieza? The main character is another strong, hilarious woman, and I think anyone who enjoys Finlay would like it a lot.

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You can describe the author as "like Castle (the TV series) but much better". :)

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