That hot beef sundae is a work of art.

Thanks for the remainder that I (STILL!) haven’t read Devil in the White City! 🙈

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I've decided I'm going to pack hot beef sundaes for my lunch at work this winter.

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Devil in the White City is such a great book! I visited Burnham’s office at the Rookery recently and am taking a walking tour of the fairgrounds in September.

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I binged Suits back in 2016 and may have to revisit! Also, I absolutely loved Miracle Creek and am highly anticipating her newest!

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Haha this headline is perfect for my partner I’ll have to send these recs to him 😆🥰

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Hey, just another book recommendation if you want to learn more about the moon landing(and about moons in general), Hannu Karttunen's Fundamental Astronomy is a very well written book. While a textbook, you won't feel like it is one. It doesn't need much prerequisite from your side and will tell you a lot of fascinating things.

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I loved Angie Kim's happiness falls and i want to read Miracle Creek. Also I absolutley binge Suits

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While I loved Devil in the White City...it succeeded in creeping me out! 😱

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