Immediately put The Transit of Venus on hold. I need a tour de force. (I mean, I just finished Tomorrown, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, which also fits that bill, but now everything else feels kind of flat.)

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That book! I spent yesterday talking about it with a friend. It crushed me. In the best way.

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The Transit of Venus looks amazing! I'm adding that one to my list now. I'll check out the Crane Wife, too-- we're right on the edge of the breeding territory for sandhill cranes out here. They migrate through the prairies, and I saw five of them picking through a field of corn stubble last week. They have a really haunting call, and they're much bigger than you expect on the ground.

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Hi friend! I love you!

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I keep starting the Backman book - loved " A Man Called Ove" but for some reason this was difficult for me to get into and stay into. Looking forward to trying again!

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Thank you so much for your recs! If I could peep my head into your little world, I also wanted to share my own book newsletter! It's called bookcrumbs (and you can find it on my substack) where I share weekly books along with a film and song pairing that works with its flavour profile. I hope you get the chance to check it out!

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Thanks for sharing! I just subscribed.

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These books sound amazing, I will also be putting some of these on hold at the library. And nice to see so many Bookstackers in one conversation! :)

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What a pithy definition of creative nonfiction: “it tells a story, it analyzes that story, and it changes how it feels about its own story.”

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Thanks so much for having us on the newsletter!! 💜 BoG coming in with awesome recs like always — The Transit of Venus is now on my tbr!

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I loved Transit of Venus -- read it years and years ago and then again -- was so happy that it "held up." I'm grateful for the books you can get lost inside of -- they come so rarely.

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Great recs! TBR getting longer.

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